Why choose a yoga retreat with Dia-Yoga:
- 6 years of international yoga retreats
- More than 30 yoga retreats around the globe. Finland, Estonia, Spain, India, Bali and Australia.
- A yoga teacher with 13 years of teaching experience and thousands of satisfied customers both in Finland and Australia.
- Choose a yoga journey full of well-being and smiles journey that encourages to spiritual growth and deeper connection .
Customer Reviews
Diana is a fabulous teacher. She always brings her beautiful positive energy to her classes. A very inspiring teacher that will always bring the best out of you.
Always explaining the deeper meaning of each asana and what it will do on an emotional level.
I was very lucky to attend her Bali retreat and I learned so much. I feel stronger and always happy to do a class with her
- Fabiola. W.A.
Fabulous retreat in the best possible location with such a lovely and talented teacher.
- Krystal, W.A.
Went on my first ever yoga retreat and loved it! I will definitely be returning!
Diana you are amazing, love your work!!
- Maribelle, W.A.
Diana is a natural teacher, she is so knowledgeable and caters for every person in her classes. Through her guidance and words of wisdom I can feel my practice becoming better.
On top of that, Diana is a wonderful person. She spreads positivity and joy and I leave every class with a smile on my face!! Dia Yoga is the reason I, now, can't imagine my life without yoga in it!
-Kim, W.A
Täydellisyyttä hipova joogaretriitti Sipoossa ja ihanat tunnit Laajasalossa ovat vieneet joogaharrastukseni entistä syvemmälle ja vaikuttavammalle tasolle. Dianan lämpö ja ammattitaito ovat juuri sitä mitä minun joogamatkani tarvitsee.
- Satu, Helsinki
Dianan joogaretriitti Sipoon saaristossa upea kokemus. Ihana iloinen persoona mahtavalla ammattitaidolla ja mieletön asenne elämään.
Sydän puhdasta kultaa.
Loistavasti järjestetty kokonaisuus niin ohjelman kuin majoituksen kuin ruokailujen suhteen. Kesän kohokohta!
- Susanna, Helsinki